Trauma to different body parts as a result of accidents, external injuries or athletic activity may lead to broken bones, torn ligaments, tendons and muscles and severe pain. The healing process requires the circulatory and immune systems and the body’s metabolism to work effectively, in order to provide oxygen, proteins and glucose to rebuild the injured area.
Using the Oxypro method brings about improved flexibility of red blood cells, thereby increasing blood circulation to the injured areas and making it possible to effectively transport all of the substances required in order to rebuild them – the most important one being oxygen.
Improving the body’s healing processes makes it possible to heal broken bones in a short time, sometimes just a third of the expected period. Additionally, in some of our patients suffering from torn tendons and ligaments, use of the Oxypro method has brought about quick fusion of the tear without the need for surgery, allowing the person to quickly be fit again and return to physical activity.
Spinal trauma:
Spinal and head trauma is a serious injury that is difficult to treat. A blunt trauma to the spine may lead to edema and pressure within a closed section, causing reduced blood supply to the area. The increased local pressure damages nerve cells and can lead to paralysis from that point downwards. Treatment with the Oxypro method provides a solution to these conditions that are usually irreversible and in some cases can even prevent paralysis. In a study conducted by Dr. Atias and published in the Journal of Cardiac Surgery (2007), it was shown that in cases where ischemic damage had been caused that was similar to the damage caused to the spinal cord, rinsing the heart with an ozone solution allowed the heart to regain function. In the same way it is possible to improve injured spinal cords, and we have indeed seen this in some of our patients.
Using the Oxypro method on athletes makes it possible to reduce the damage caused by the heavy load put on their muscles and tendons while building and strengthening them. The improvement in red blood cell flexibility and in the patients’ blood flow permits the body to effectively break down lactic acid, shortens the time required to recover from each training session, and as a result makes it possible to increase loads and improve performance.
There are the famous cases of the two Olympic bicycle riders, Alexander Vinokourov from Kazakhstan and Lance Armstrong from the US who retroactively lost all of their medals after being found guilty in court of using ozone during the race.
However, there is no reason not to use ozone for recovery and for treating various sports injuries.